My Story

My Story

I had started my Keto Journey to lose a stubborn 30 pounds that no amount of dieting, running, and starvation could budge.  At  52 years old,  I was feeling worn out, tired, overweight, and defeated by life. 

After some research,  I started to fast and then added the Keto diet to boost my weight loss……… It was not easy at first, and I missed my sugar and carbs!!  But, after 3 weeks, I noticed something amazing!!  I was wide awake driving to work at 7 am and my mind was awash with new ideas…….. The world even looked brighter…….. I was also starting to lose a pound or two a week, was sleeping better, and had so much more energy……..

 A new person had been born, and major changes were in store for me!! I took dance classes,  bought a kayak,  created my own web site, developed my own high intensity training workout, sold my house, moved to Nashville,  and started my own personal training and Keto Coach  business!!   Since I was a life-long home cook, and love to develop new recipes, I decided to develop my own Keto Fusion recipes.  My Keto Fusion recipes blend cuisines from around the world and are brimming with cancer fighting ingredients……….  I hope that you enjoy my Keto recipes and experience improved health, energy, and vitality!!!!